Three Ways to Encourage Gross-Motor Development in Months 4–6
Your little one’s strength and cognitive development have made impressive gains over the first three months. Now, gross-motor milestones are getting more complex, preparing your little one for crawling and getting into a sitting position independently.
Social-Emotional Milestones to Watch For: Months 4-6
A child’s social-emotional development creates the context in which they develop and exercise all of their other abilities. Discover four critical social-emotional milestones for you to watch for during months four to six.
Children and Screen Time: Embracing technology without guilt
How much time is appropriate for your young child to spend looking at screens? Is it developmentally appropriate for your child to even be looking at screens at all? Get the latest information from The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and others.
Toxic Stress and How to Avoid it
What causes toxic stress and can it be overcome? Understand the connections between a caregivers’ stress response and a child’s cognitive development.
Experiencing Diversity: Food, Language, and Music
Expose your child to diverse cultures in fun, memorable ways with these simple parenting approaches.
Purposeful Reading Strategies for Infants, Toddlers & 2s
Use ParentPal’s Purposeful Reading Strategies to begin developing your child’s language and pre-reading skills from birth.
14 Diverse Books Your Child Will Love
By introducing children to new experiences and perspectives, children learn that their view isn’t the only view on things.
Why Diverse Books Matter: Building Awareness Through Books
Reading diverse books opens doorways through which your child can learn, can grow, and ultimately can take thoughtful action in the real world.
Your Baby’s Development: Month 12
Understand your 12-month-old's development with ParentPal's Milestone Guide. Learn which milestones to look for and how you can support your child's healthy development.
The Importance of Routines: 4 Ways to Maintain Good Hygiene
Personal hygiene for children is essential to a healthy lifestyle of killing off germs and avoiding getting sick.
8 Ways to Foster Resilience in Your Child
The ability to overcome negative emotions is called resilience. How can you build this emotional skill in your child? Read our 8 tips for fostering resilience.
Your Baby’s Development: Month 10
Understand your 10-month-old's development with ParentPal's Milestone Guide. Learn which milestones to look for and how you can support your child's healthy development.