Tag: cognitive development
The hardships related to COVID—fear, uncertainty, financial insecurity, and so forth—have influenced the number of interactions caregivers have with children. This is affecting cognitive development.
The ability to rhyme is one of the best predictors of how easily a child will learn to read. Rhyming helps a child distinguish between different sounds. And, rhyming helps a child notice patterns and sounds within words.
Developing an understanding of cause and effect can help children build their ability to solve problems, to make predictions, and to understand the impact of their behavior on others.
Receptive language—words a child understands but doesn’t yet say—typically precedes language production by several months. At 8 months, a little one begins to understand his or her name along with such common words as “bottle,” “mama,” “dada” and “bye-bye.” “No no” and “all gone” typically are understood at about 11 months. By age 1, a child will understand more than 50 words, and that number will continue to grow dramatically month-to-month, even though that child may barely be talking. Meanwhile, the acquisition of expressive language—words a child understands and says—relates to what a child best knows and is interested in—mom and dad, for example.
Researcher Mildred Parten identified six stages of play that children progress through in their first 5 years of development.
Serve-and-return interactions help infants and toddlers encourage neural connections, and improve parent-child bonding. Learn more.
How much time is appropriate for your young child to spend looking at screens? Is it developmentally appropriate for your child to even be looking at screens at all? Get the latest information from The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and others.
Use ParentPal’s Purposeful Reading Strategies to begin developing your child’s language and pre-reading skills from birth.
Understand your 12-month-old's development with ParentPal's Milestone Guide. Learn which milestones to look for and how you can support your child's healthy development.
Understand your 10-month-old's development with ParentPal's Milestone Guide. Learn which milestones to look for and how you can support your child's healthy development.
Understand your 11-month-old's development with ParentPal's Milestone Guide. Learn which milestones to look for and how you can support your child's healthy development.
Understand your 9-month-old's development with ParentPal's Milestone Guide. Learn which milestones to look for and how you can support your child's healthy development.