Tag: gross-motor skills
Researcher Mildred Parten identified six stages of play that children progress through in their first 5 years of development.
Your little one’s strength and cognitive development have made impressive gains over the first three months. Now, gross-motor milestones are getting more complex, preparing your little one for crawling and getting into a sitting position independently.
Understand your 12-month-old's development with ParentPal's Milestone Guide. Learn which milestones to look for and how you can support your child's healthy development.
Understand your 10-month-old's development with ParentPal's Milestone Guide. Learn which milestones to look for and how you can support your child's healthy development.
Understand your 9-month-old's development with ParentPal's Milestone Guide. Learn which milestones to look for and how you can support your child's healthy development.
Understand your 8-month-old's development with ParentPal's Milestone Guide. Learn which milestones to look for and how you can support your child's healthy development.
Understand your 7-month-old's development with ParentPal's Milestone Guide. Learn which milestones to look for and how you can support your child's healthy development.
Major gross-motor milestones include walking, running, climbing, jumping, balance, and coordination. Discover simple ways to encourage gross-motor development during playtime and daily routines.
The ParentPal guide to your baby’s development. Learn which milestones to look for, from newborn to age 5.
Understand your 2-month-old's development with ParentPal's Milestone Guide. Learn which milestones to look for and how you can support your child's healthy development.
Understand your newborn's development with ParentPal's Milestone Guide. Learn which milestones to look for and how you can support your child's healthy development.
Understand your 6-month-old's development with ParentPal's Milestone Guide. Learn which milestones to look for and how you can support your child's healthy development.